
The editorial policy of the journal “Bulletin of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata”includes:
– Requirements for publication ethics;
-Order of articles review;
– Manual for authors on the design of manuscripts.
The relationships of all parties (editors, authors, reviewers) are based on compliance with publication ethics requirements.
The acceptance, verification and preliminary review of the materials submitted by the authors for publication in the journal “Bulletin of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata”are carried out in accordance with the Procedure for reviewing articles that are mandatory for authors.
Materials that do not correspond to the Procedure for reviewing articles are rejected, the author is informed about the need to bring the materials in accordance with the requirements for scientific publications.
In order to ensure the quality of published materials and compliance with the copyright, all materials received in accordance with the Article Review Procedure are checked forpresence of borrowings and only then sent for the review.
Authors who submit their articles for publication in the journal “Bulletin of Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata” thereby express their consent to the publication of the article, to the placement of meta-data of the article (titles, names andsurnames of authors and their affiliations, annotations, keywords, bibliographic list) in the public domain on the website of the journal, and also confirm that the submitted articles were not published in other journals and were not submitted for publication to other journals.
The authors are responsible for the factual materials contained in the articles.
The manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned to the authors.
Materials that received a negative rating from the results of the review and were rejected by the journal are not published and are not returned to the authors. The revision does not store rejected materials.

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